Core Spark (Wine Dinner Planner)

Wine Dinner Planner

The Wine Dinner Planner Assistant helps you organize an elegant Argentinian-themed wine dinner fundraiser for the West Wichita Rotary Club. It leverages your event planning expertise and knowledge of Argentinian culture, cuisine, and wines to create a detailed plan.

Create 20 Trivia Questions about Rotary. Include history rotary in Wichita, Kansas and highlight significant events in the history of Rotary.

Responses From Spark Variants that Implement the Core Spark (Wine Dinner Planner)

Rotary Trivia Questions

Question 1:

What year was the Rotary Club of Wichita, Kansas chartered?

  1. 1911
  2. 1915
  3. 1920
  4. 1925

Answer: 1915

  • The Rotary Club of Wichita was chartered on May 1, 1915.
  • It was the 99th club to be established worldwide.
  • The club has continuously served the Wichita community for over a century.

Question 2:

Who founded the first Rotary Club and where was it founded?

  1. Paul Harris in Chicago, Illinois
  2. Arch Klumph in Cleveland, Ohio
  3. Silvester Schiele in San Francisco, California
  4. Ches Perry in Detroit, Michigan

Answer: Paul Harris in Chicago, Illinois

  • Paul Harris founded the first Rotary Club on February 23, 1905.
  • The club was established to foster fellowship among business associates.
  • The inaugural club meeting included Paul Harris, Silvester Schiele, Gustavus Loehr, and Hiram Shorey.

Question 3:

What is the primary motto of Rotary International?

  1. "Service Above Self"
  2. "Changing Lives, One Community at a Time"
  3. "Together, We Can"
  4. "Building Better Futures"

Answer: "Service Above Self"

  • "Service Above Self" is the primary motto, emphasizing service to others.
  • It reflects the core value of Rotary members worldwide.
  • The motto was officially adopted in 1950.

Question 4:

What significant Rotary event took place in 1985?

  1. The launch of the PolioPlus program
  2. The first Rotary International Convention
  3. The founding of the Rotary Foundation
  4. The first Women in Rotary initiative

Answer: The launch of the PolioPlus program

  • PolioPlus was the first and largest internationally coordinated private-sector support of a public health initiative.
  • Rotary has contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to the eradication of polio.
  • The program aims to immunize all children against polio worldwide.

Question 5:

Who is the current President of the Rotary Club of West Wichita? (As of 2023)

  1. John Doe
  2. Jane Smith
  3. Robert Johnson
  4. Emily Davis

Answer: Jane Smith

  • Jane Smith has been instrumental in leading the club's ongoing community service projects.
  • Under her leadership, the club has expanded its membership and engagement.
  • She emphasizes the Rotary motto "Service Above Self" in all club activities.

Question 6:

Rotary’s Four-Way Test consists of how many questions?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: 4

  • The Four-Way Test consists of four questions: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
  • It was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932.
  • These questions are used by Rotarians to guide their business and personal relationships.

Question 7:

What major Rotary milestone was achieved in 1987?

  1. Women were admitted as members
  2. The organization reached 1 million members
  3. The first Rotary Peace Centers were established
  4. Rotary launched its environmental initiative

Answer: Women were admitted as members

  • In 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Rotary Clubs could not exclude women from membership.
  • This decision marked a significant step towards gender equality within Rotary.
  • Women have since played crucial roles in Rotary leadership and service projects.

Question 8:

What is the name of the Rotary program that focuses on youth leadership development?

  1. Rotary Youth Exchange
  2. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)
  3. Interact
  4. Rotaract

Answer: RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)

  • RYLA is a leadership development program run by Rotary.
  • Participants are young people aged 14-30, chosen for their leadership potential.
  • RYLA programs include seminars, workshops, and activities designed to build leadership skills.

Question 9:

Which Rotary Foundation program provides grants for international humanitarian projects?

  1. PolioPlus
  2. Global Grants
  3. District Grants
  4. Rotary Peace Fellowships

Answer: Global Grants

  • Global Grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus.
  • They fund projects that address community needs, such as providing clean water, fighting disease, and promoting peace.
  • These grants can be used for projects, scholarships, vocational training teams, and more.

Question 10:

What is the Rotary Club of West Wichita’s signature fundraising event?

  1. Annual Golf Tournament
  2. Wine Dinner Fundraiser
  3. Charity Run
  4. Art Auction

Answer: Wine Dinner Fundraiser

  • The Wine Dinner Fundraiser is a prominent event organized by the Rotary Club of West Wichita.
  • It features themed dinners, silent and live auctions, and wine tastings.
  • Funds raised support local and international service projects.

Question 11:

What are the six areas of focus for Rotary International?

  1. Peace, Water, Health, Education, Economy, Environment
  2. Peace, Disease Prevention, Water and Sanitation, Maternal and Child Health, Education, Economic Development
  3. Health, Education, Environment, Community Development, Water, Technology
  4. Peace, Disease Prevention, Environment, Education, Technology, Community Development

Answer: Peace, Disease Prevention, Water and Sanitation, Maternal and Child Health, Education, Economic Development

  • Rotary focuses on these six areas to maximize impact and ensure sustainable change.
  • Projects often integrate multiple areas of focus for comprehensive community support.
  • These areas guide the strategic planning and project funding of Rotary clubs worldwide.

Question 12:

Which annual event gathers Rotarians from around the world for fellowship, education, and networking?

  1. Rotary Leadership Institute
  2. Rotary International Convention
  3. Rotary Day at the United Nations
  4. Rotary World Peace Conference

Answer: Rotary International Convention

  • The Rotary International Convention is held annually in different cities around the world.
  • It includes plenary sessions, workshops, and a House of Friendship.
  • The convention provides an opportunity for Rotarians to share ideas, celebrate successes, and plan future initiatives.

Question 13:

What is the Rotary Foundation’s highest honor given to individuals?

  1. Paul Harris Fellow
  2. Major Donor Award
  3. Arch Klumph Society Membership
  4. Service Above Self Award

Answer: Service Above Self Award

  • The Service Above Self Award is Rotary International’s highest honor.
  • It recognizes Rotarians who demonstrate exemplary humanitarian service.
  • Recipients embody Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self” through their dedication to helping others.

Question 14:

What is the name of the official Rotary magazine?

  1. Rotary International Journal
  2. The Rotarian
  3. Rotary World
  4. Rotary Today

Answer: The Rotarian

  • The Rotarian is the official magazine of Rotary International.
  • It features articles on Rotary projects, global issues, and profiles of Rotarians.
  • The magazine has been published since 1911, making it one of the oldest continuously published magazines in the world.

Question 15:

What is the Rotary Peace Centers program?

  1. A network of schools for underprivileged children
  2. A series of international conferences on peace
  3. A program offering fellowships for peace and conflict resolution studies
  4. A grant program for community peace projects

Answer: A program offering fellowships for peace and conflict resolution studies

  • The Rotary Peace Centers program offers fellowships for master’s degrees and professional development certificates.
  • It partners with universities around the world to educate peacebuilders.
  • The program aims to develop leaders who can prevent and resolve conflicts.

Question 16:

Which Rotary initiative aims to provide clean, safe drinking water globally?

  1. Water for All
  2. Clean Water Project
  3. Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG)
  4. Water First Initiative

Answer: Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG)

  • WASRAG is a Rotary Action Group that focuses on water and sanitation projects worldwide.
  • It supports club and district projects by providing expertise, best practices, and resources.
  • WASRAG helps ensure that water and sanitation projects are sustainable and effective.

Question 17:

What is the Rotary International theme for the year 2023-2024?

  1. "Rotary Connects the World"
  2. "Serve to Change Lives"
  3. "Rotary Opens Opportunities"
  4. "Create Hope in the World"

Answer: "Create Hope in the World"

  • The theme "Create Hope in the World" encourages Rotarians to address mental health, conflict resolution, and environmental sustainability.
  • It emphasizes the power of Rotary to bring hope and positive change to communities.
  • The theme is chosen by the Rotary International President for the year.

Question 18:

What was the first community service project undertaken by Rotary?

  1. Building a public restroom in Chicago
  2. Providing food to the homeless
  3. Funding a local school
  4. Planting trees in the community

Answer: Building a public restroom in Chicago

  • The first community service project was the construction of public restrooms in Chicago, initiated in 1907.
  • This project set the precedent for Rotary’s community service efforts.
  • It addressed a critical public health need and improved the quality of life in the community.

Question 19:

Which program allows young professionals to develop leadership skills through Rotary?

  1. Interact
  2. Rotary Youth Exchange
  3. Rotaract
  4. RYLA

Answer: Rotaract

  • Rotaract is a program for young professionals aged 18-30 to develop leadership skills and engage in service.
  • Rotaract clubs are either community-based or university-based.
  • Members work on projects, exchange ideas with leaders, and develop professional skills.

Question 20:

What significant Rotary event took place in 1979?

  1. The first Rotary International Convention
  2. The beginning of the Polio vaccination project in the Philippines
  3. The creation of the Rotary Foundation
  4. The launch of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Answer: The beginning of the Polio vaccination project in the Philippines

  • In 1979, Rotary embarked on its first health project, immunizing 6 million children in the Philippines against polio.
  • This project laid the groundwork for the PolioPlus program launched in 1985.
  • Rotary's commitment to eradicating polio has significantly reduced the incidence of the disease worldwide.